Monday, March 9, 2009

Bro's and Ho's

Last night we went to a bar appropriately named "Q's" due to the excessive amount of pool tables there were around the place.  Sitting at the bar we both felt like eyes were on us, but in true Chris and Erin style, didn't actually say anything to each other until we were both bursting in all sorts of awkward.  Later we decided it had to have been because we were the only women in the place who were ACTUALLY in their early 20's.  The rest were posers, man.  Fake boobs, fake chins, fake nails.  It's like these women think that four more coats of mascara and another layer of spray tan will take off another 5 years.  

Not so much.

I've decided that I'm going to bask in my youth as long as I can and then do everything in my power to age gracefully.  Three days in LA have made me fear cosmetic surgery in a deep and powerful way.  Deep and powerful.

Anyway.  Post-gawker friendly bar experience we hit up an In-N-Out Burger which made my night because 1.  I've never been to an In-N-Out Burger and 2. the burgers were cheap and delicious.  The whole place was decked out in 1950's class, from the worker's outfits to the red and white everything to the menu with three options....hamburger, cheeseburger, or double cheeseburger.   Class man.  They don't do those fake-fish sandwiches or rat-meat mcnuggets.  I dug the In-N-Out.  Well done.

1 comment:

C Killian said...

hahaha. i love this. it so captures that entire evening. so weird.