Sunday, March 8, 2009

Wake up call.

It's 7 am Pacific time.  I can't seem to force myself to sleep any later.  Which is fine, except that I crash at night.  I'm going to make it my mission to force myself to last tonight.  Stamina! I'll do something drastic, take a nap or chug some coffee at 9 pm.  

After spending an entire day here, I think I'm being played.  How much I like LA as a city, or a place, I really couldn't accurately say because the weather is keeping me in this happy state of mind.  Dry sun makes the ocean sparkle and the green pop and the flowers bloom and I just keep noticing all of the beauty. The endless freeways and traffic we were stuck in yesterday bringing Nate south was nothing!  I watched the hills change colors, green to yellow to fire-orange and back again.  Snow-capped mountains appeared in the sky, their bases masked by low hanging clouds.  Everything we passed was a strip mall, but for some reason it didn't bother me as much as it would have at home.  The buildings were all a neat tan- stucco.  Mixing into the background.  Lacking that industrial quality of big shopping plazas on the East Coast. 

I've decided this trip is going to be subtitled: an exercise in self-preservation.  With middle America separating me from all that I know, this giant leap back is letting me retreat.  Build up some much needed defenses, so that I can return.  Preserved.  

We saw Watchmen yesterday in an IMAX theatre.  Everything about it was gratuitous.  

1 comment:

Mike Kelley said...

strange. i'm wide awake in california with 4 hours of sleep after getting in at 3AM last night. hi! my body is stupid. and there is nothing else to do but sit here in bed on a computer until everyone wakes up.